As a product owner for an international shop I would like to use ShopLang to translate product metafield "Name" (in the UI /admin/metafields/product).

We use 100+ metafields to store and display product attributes on our product detail pages (e.g. as a table with technical details) in 5 languages - basically: column A metafield name | column B metafield value.

While metafield values can be translated in ShopLang like a charm, the metafield field names themselves can not. Our workaround was to create additional metafields for all 100+ metafields which contain the attribute name as an metafield value - not very elegant and inefficient to maintain. Would make our life a lot easier. Does the Shopify endpoint pass on "Name"? Any idea to to enable this for your users?


    Thank you for contacting us.

    Unfortunately Shopify does not allow to translate the the names of the metafields.

    The main thing of metafields like name: value is that name in this case could not be changed. Otherwise it will break the whole metafield since the name will be different. For example any additional language that you are adding is using the same metafields name as your original language, but the value could be different and if you change the name of the metafield it will be like a brand new one which you don't have in your Shopify settings.

    The workaround that you are using is the only way to avoid it, to my regret.

    Hope it helps!

    All the best,
    Langshop team

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